Welcoming all

Church on the Ground

Church in the Cloud

Growing in faith

Learning together from scripture

Teaching peace

Working for a just & peaceful world

Nurturing kids & teens

Building a sharing community

Sharing the light of Christ

TUMC is a Christian community in the Mennonite-Anabaptist peace church tradition. We aspire to be a family of faith that welcomes people of diverse backgrounds and stories, worshipping and supporting each other, while following Christ’s example in working for peace and justice in our urban context.1

We have begun our Summer Schedule meaning that Worship begins each Sunday at 10:00 AM. Whether you’re new to the city, looking for a church home, or just seeking a welcoming community where you can safely explore your questions about faith, there’s always a place for you at TUMC!

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Keep in touch!

To benefit from spiritual encouragement, community news, and get the weekly Zoom Worship link, ask to receive TUMC Connects by email.  Just send us a quick email at administrator@tumc.ca with ‘sign me up for TUMC Connects’ in the subject line and let us know a little about how you found us. (A bit of information helps keep our online gatherings safe and welcoming.)

An inclusive community

TUMC invites people of all cultural and ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, generations and abilities to full participation and inclusion. We are wheelchair-accessible and offer large-print hymnals and hearing assistance devices. We’re always glad to welcome newcomers. Whether you’re new to the city, visiting or simply curious, please feel free to check us out! For more, click the About Us tab. You can also follow us on Facebook @ChurchonQueen .

Truth & Reconciliation: our pledge

Our congregation meets in territories of the Wyandot, Haudenosaunee, and Michi Saugig Nations. As beneficiaries of a violent history of colonization, we recognize our responsibility to uphold treaty relationships and so seek to be guided by Indigenous truth-tellers toward restitution, restoration, and reconciliation. Learn more by clicking the photo above.