TUMC’s staff team members were all asked ‘What’s a special place for you at 1774 Queen St East?’
Read their answers below, and learn a little about their gifts and experiences…
Pastoral Team
Peter Haresnape
“I love our library space, which looks into the sanctuary so that children who are feeling fidgety can take some time out with the books and toys, and still be part of the service. I enjoy meeting with people there, in the in-between space, surrounded by the books that have nurtured and taught us.”
Peter was born into a non-denominational Christian community in England, giving him early experience of living out faith in every aspect of life. He studied English Literature at Stirling University, where he also encountered theologies of liberation and solidarity, calling followers of Jesus into action for social justice. Following that call he came to Turtle Island in 2010 to work with Christian Peacemaker Teams as part of the Indigenous Solidarity program. Peter has been active in interpreting issues of decolonization and solidarity to the Church through sermons, workshops, and two chapters in Unsettling the Word – Biblical Experiments in Decolonization (Mennonite Church Canada 2018).
After attending for several years, Peter formally joined TUMC in 2015 and has served on Preaching Team, as a Junior Youth Sunday School teacher, and as a consultant to the Mission and Service Committee. Since 2016, Peter has been the National Coordinator of the Student Christian Movement of Canada (SCM). In that role Peter is a core organizer of the Cahoots Festival, an annual ecumenical skill-sharing event focused on faith and justice.
Peter accepted a call to pastoral ministry at TUMC in November 2019.
Peter is married to Ken, living together with housemates in Toronto’s former Catholic Worker community. Peter enjoys Arthurian literature, roleplaying games, small group Bible studies without foregone conclusions, and drinking cups of tea with friends and enemies.
You may e-mail him as Peter.Haresnape@tumc.ca
Ministry Team for Youth and Children
Audrey Wichert 
“Despite my love of open spaces, I gravitate towards the Sunday School rooms in the basement. For me they symbolize the nurturing that we do in our congregation and the amazing conversations that happen when people gather with intentionality. There is also a secret in the youth room, which only graduated youth and their sponsors know about!”
Audrey brings her energy, gifts, wisdom, faith and humour to the important work of nurturing our kids through Christian Education, Venture Club (pre-teens), GERMS (junior youth) and TUMY (senior youth). She’s assisted in this ministry by carefully vetted volunteers from the congregation to ensure a safe, fun, supportive and faith-building experience for children and teens.
Audrey is a Toronto transplant from southern Alberta, and still misses the big skies and coulees of the prairies. Hanging out with kids, teenagers and young adults is a passion of hers, as is creating inclusive spaces and opportunities for people to gather and support one another. When not engaged in making large quantities of food to support such gatherings, Audrey can be found on a bike, on a walk, in a provincial park, in the garden, nose down in a good book, or in conversation with her kids, family, friends and neighbours. She is married to Geoff and has 4 young adult children, plus several others who are part of their chosen family.
She has been part of the TUMC community for 32 years, working with children and youth for all of those years, the last 6 of them as a staff member.
You can email her here. Audrey.wichert@tumc.ca
Office Administrator

Divy Sallentes Uptegrove
“I’ve curated my office space to feel safe and comfortable, yet motivating to get my work done. I love my plants and polaroid photos of my friends. I feel proud to have my own space at TUMC from where I can serve the community to the best of my ability.“
Divy brings their passion for organization and efficiency to TUMC in their role as Office Administrator. They acquired an interest in faith-based, social justice oriented communities through their work as National Coordinator for the Student Christian Movement of Canada. Divy is proud to bring their unique perspective and experiences to the TUMC community. They are currently pursuing a Master’s of Public Policy at York University.
You may e-mail them at administrator@tumc.ca.