Nurturing gifts
At Toronto United Mennonite Church we want to support you in the service you are already doing for God in the world. But we also want to encourage each other to explore, discover, and develop all of our gifts — the well-used and the still latent — for use in the world and church. We’re the people who nominate people to serve on the standing teams and committees that carry out the church’s mission. But if you don’t want to get roped into a committee for a multi-year commitment, no problem; we’ll find the right strategy and form by which you can unleash your gifts in the church and world. Our committee does not have all the answers and we don’t always get it right. If you have been affirmed by Christian friends and community as having certain gifts that TUMC is overlooking, tell us! If you know of someone else whose gifts we are overlooking, tell us! We are prepared to honour your holy “yes” or your holy “no” to our call to any specific service, but invite you to find that place where your yes meets God’s yes. Like stirring up the embers in a fire, stir up the gifts that are in you.
Contact: Jon B. (2021)